jk it's not really fine

I like art, metal, books and video games.
useful intro yes;

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Bad performance lately

Our Amumu was first pick and had smite, but changed in last second to ignite forcing me to go jungle Riven in the last second. :/ I had wrong runes and masteries to jungle with her, besides the enemy jungler Warwick had literally built camp all over my jungle and I got fuck low from no leash from only the first buff so he kept harassing me. Zero help and I couldn't fight him. He walked freely in my jungle all game and I got shut down superhard. Later we met a Riven jungle in another game and I told our jungler to bully her in jungle, but no, she gets to farm freely and babysits toplane (and he still didn't get wards down the river?) and gets on a rampage. :( I suck. At everything...


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