jk it's not really fine

I like art, metal, books and video games.
useful intro yes;

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Dragon Age Inquisition

I heard about this game about a year prior to it's release, and I was excited. I always like Dragon Age 2 more than Dragon Age Origins for some reason (it might be because I played Origins on PC and I usually like these games on console) and this is like a mixture of them both. Usually I go dual-wield assassin-like-rogue but I decided for once to try a mage first time playing. The map seems reasonably large from what I have seen so far, and the scenery stretches from desert, green forests to snowy hills which is nice. The combat feels less choppy and goes much smoother this game, but I do wish there was a roll-dodge button (comes from playing too much Diablo...) heh. I got so overwhelmed I just went looking at every inch of the map so it took me ages to do the first missions and I got side-tracked so hard from all the fun stuff there is to do, so yes I like this game already.


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