I heard about this game about a year prior to it's release, and I was excited. I always like Dragon Age 2 more than Dragon Age Origins for some reason (it might be because I played Origins on PC and I usually like these games on console) and this is like a mixture of them both. Usually I go dual-wield assassin-like-rogue but I decided for once to try a mage first time playing. The map seems reasonably large from what I have seen so far, and the scenery stretches from desert, green forests to snowy hills which is nice. The combat feels less choppy and goes much smoother this game, but I do wish there was a roll-dodge button (comes from playing too much Diablo...) heh. I got so overwhelmed I just went looking at every inch of the map so it took me ages to do the first missions and I got side-tracked so hard from all the fun stuff there is to do, so yes I like this game already.
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Sunday, 16 November 2014
1: Summoner Name?
2: What got you into League? When?
My friend told me I should try it during the end of season 3.
3: Would you go as far as saying League changed your life? For better or worse?
Yes. I never played online with others nor talked on Skype prior to LoL.
4: Favourite champion?
Riven and Nidalee mostly and also Vayne, Katarina, Syndra, Nami - can't decide...
5: First champion?
6: Least Favorite champion?
Dunno maybe Draven or Wukong lol
7: Who is the most misunderstood champion?
8: Who is the most overrated champion?
Fiddlesticks and Yasuo maybe
9: Who is the most underrated champion?
Cassiopeia and Sejuani
10: Which champion would you hate fighting against if they were real?
All of them?
11: Which champion would you hate fighting with on your team if they were real? Which would you love?
Probably Draven because his attitude in the lore. I'd want to fight with Riven though.
12: What champion can you most relate to? If any?
Riven. She's an lonely exile who's seen some shit.
13: Do you ship any of the champions? Who?
Garen and Katarina. Zed and Syndra.
14: Which champion do you want to learn more about, lore wise?
Syndra, she's so interesting. Also Zed
15: Roles you can play? Which do you prefer?
Can go all roles, but dunno struggling to find my preferable role... I like Riven?
16: First role learned?
ADC I suppose
17: First skin?
Aristocrat Vayne I believe
18: Favorite skin?
Championship Riven, wish I had it.
Battle Bunny Riven / Headhunter Nidalee when it comes to those I own though.
19: Least favorite skin?
The Mecha skins...
20: How much money have you spent on League? Did you ever expect to spend that much?
Dunno A LOT. and no.
21: Biggest in-game peeve?
22: How do you deal with toxic players, personally?
if I play poorly I get more mad at myself than mad at them. But yeah
Idunno you just get so fucking mad some times anyway
23: Favorite piece of fancreation?
Zed x Syndra comics.
24: Favorite League Merch? Do you own any? Do you want any?
I have a miniature Nidalee-spear and a miniature Riven sword which are both epic.
I have a miniature Nidalee-spear and a miniature Riven sword which are both epic.
25: Favorite League Fan-creator?
No one in particular.
No one in particular.
26: Favorite Pro-team?
Gambit and SKT T1K
Gambit and SKT T1K
27: Favorite Pro-Player?
Dunno anymore...
Dunno anymore...
28: Favorite website for Info on League?
Surrender at 20
Surrender at 20
29: : Favorite song to listen to while playing?
Depends a lot on how sad I feel.
Depends a lot on how sad I feel.
30: Best League related youtube video?
Mine. jk dunno
31: Which champion and/or skin do you want to buy next? Mine. jk dunno
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Our Amumu was first pick and had smite, but changed in last second to ignite forcing me to go jungle Riven in the last second. :/ I had wrong runes and masteries to jungle with her, besides the enemy jungler Warwick had literally built camp all over my jungle and I got fuck low from no leash from only the first buff so he kept harassing me. Zero help and I couldn't fight him. He walked freely in my jungle all game and I got shut down superhard. Later we met a Riven jungle in another game and I told our jungler to bully her in jungle, but no, she gets to farm freely and babysits toplane (and he still didn't get wards down the river?) and gets on a rampage. :( I suck. At everything...
Thursday, 16 October 2014
I recently purchased Risen 3: Titan Lords, without knowing anything about the Risen/Gothic games prior to playing this. I don't know why, I just never got around to them. This game has received a lot of mixed reviews. While I still remain an avid fan of The Elder Scrolls when it comes to these kinds of rpgs, I do think it's a worthwhile game. A bit too expensive, but it's an open world with several islands you can travel around. There are tons of missions, a lot of people to talk to and the world is really pretty. The combat is slightly clunky feeling, but perhaps it will improve with your character, and I recently played Dragon Age: Origins on PC and those combats are really strange. It's a great game otherwise, but I am more used to it on console. Dragon Age: Inquisition will be a blast. Anyway I guess if you're waiting for that and want games alike to Risen 2 and perhaps people who liked Skyrim would find some elements enjoyable in this game as well.
In League of Legends I played Ashe in the introduction. But for some reason I ended up buying Ryze instead, and I had no idea he scaled on mana or what to build or how to farm, so I just went around dying to bots. I have never played any moba-games before this, so keep in mind I was entirely new to the genre. I had this mindset that online games were all horrible. But anyway skipping the uninteresting parts, I saved up and decided to buy Tryndamere. I was bad and I have to say I am still horrible at this champion... On a free rotation I played Vayne, and it just clicked. I was saving for the new champion Jinx but decided to buy Vayne instead. She was the first champion I really enjoyed playing and worked on understanding her, because I still didn't really understand what the game was about, how to build or how to lane with her against different match-ups. Then it's kind of a mist and I rushed to get level 30 to start ranked. Very bad idea. Was placed in Silver 4 in pre-season, but man I should have been Bronze V. I could only play Vayne (and not very well, what is kiting?), and I played all kinds of champs and roles I had never played before and failed miserably at it. I'm not sure any of this is important really so let's just jump to the list before I ramble even more...
1. Riven the Exile
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